Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Youth issues Video using camtasia with short writeup

With the introduction of module called ICT teaching and learning, I found it very beneficial to every individual. In ICT module, we were taught about all the modern technology that we are unaware of it before. The Google classroom, blogs, quiz, camtasia and other ideas are all new to me as an individual. I learned how to create Google classroom, quiz, simulation and mostly the camtasia. Camtasia which was totally new for me during this course of time, but with introduction of this ICT module, it made me aware of how to create simple video. My heartfelt thank you to the module tutor Thinley Phuntsho. The knowledge that I learned were disposed in my guidance and counseling program, where we were asked to make video. Before introduction of camtasia, I   was totally surprised of how to make a video but when we learned on the camtasia, it made me to a better person. I got all the ideas from the ICT class.
To talk about the video, today in this modern world there are lots of youth issues arising day after day. And which became the concern for the citizens. The video will basically talk about the youth issues like teenage pregnancy and child labor. So if you watch this video, you will get the ideas like what are the causes of teenage pregnancy, indicators and the solutions and similarly with the child labor.  So I didn’t face much difficulties creating this video.  

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