Monday, May 14, 2018

How we can assess our students work (for evidence)

Press print screen
 Open Microsoft word document
 Go to office manager 
Ctrl +V (paste) 
Double click on the image 
Go to picture and crop
 Use arrow key 
Click okay

We cannot generalize about the child’s learning. We know about the diverse learner in the class. Some high achiever and some low. So there will always a possibilities that some children will not be able to complete their task without the assistance. They need scaffolding. If we use such assessment checklist, it will be a perfect evidence on how individual child is learning. We will get to know the child as well as his or her learning pace. Accordingly, we can give necessary support to them. And the teacher can assess by looking in their folder. It will easy for students, as they don’t have to write everything they did in the class. All they need to do is just follow the steps save their document. For teachers, it will be easy as well where teacher don’t have to explain everything given in the text. Teacher can write instructions in the activity itself and make students to follow it. There is both side advantages using this assessment checklist.

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