Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Visit to Rimpung ECCD

4PCC went to Rimpung ECCD on 22/5/2018 with our tutor Karma Jurme. It was an awesome journey as we walked from gate to the ECCD centre. We took almost 20 minutes to reach there. When we reached at the centre, we found little kids playing and doing group work. We once had pre notion that ECCD is like babysitting, where with the modernization most parents are working in offices. So they don’t have babysitter back at home to look after their kids. That’s why they enroll their kids to ECCD. But we were wrong. When we went and meet with the facilitators, they shared so many programs running in the centre to develop child’s learning. The environment is free and safe, playground facilities, classroom facilities and all related to child’s learning and development were implemented in the centre. Children were actively engaged with their peers and child’s interests were taken into consideration. Now I got the entire idea of ECCD. ECCD is not same as babysitting. The centre helps to develop children readiness to school and some basic skills in life.

ECCD (early childhood care and development) basically talks about the holistic approach of the children focusing on children physical, emotional and cognitive or language development from birth to entry into primary school in the formal and non-formal setting. Early childhood development is the key to a full and productive life a child to progress of a nation. Early childhood is the critical stage of development that forms the foundation of child’s future wellbeing and learning.
The need for (ECCD) service is growing rapidly in our country with the change in the time. Early years of children are crucial in the development of their personality, behavior, psychological and intelligence. Childs are born with abilities to embrace aforementioned development. On the contrary if the aforementioned qualities are not identified and supported, they will never be developed. Through my observation more percentage of people enroll their children in the early childcare and development (ECCD) as they don’t have baby sitter or anyone back at home to look after their kids and they don’t care about what their children learn in centre if their child is safe at centre which defeats the very existence of early childcare and development (ECCD). The mindset of people in our country must change to realize the purpose of enrolling their children in early childcare and development (ECCD) that their child is not only safe but are advanced in terms of personality, behavior, psychological and intelligence compared to those child who don’t get chance to enroll. The article on impact of National ECCD evaluation (save the children,2015) found that children in private ECCD centres are more advantaged than their peers who are not enrolled in the centres both in regards to their family resources. Our parents back at home don’t realize that their child are prepared for formal schooling and children are easier to get admission in school due to the child’s competent in reading, writing, speaking and readiness to befriend with other students of their age without parents. All they think about early childcare and development (ECCD) is that they will look after their child in their absence and it will save great deal of time for them to engage meaningful in some other activities. Early childhood education is just the beginning of your child's educational career.

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