Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Thunder Dragon Marathon initiated by Blue Poppy (my voluntarily work)

On 28th May 2018, Thunder Dragon Marathon was conducted by Blue Poppy. I and some of my friends volunteered. The marathon was conducted at Udumwara Resort.

There were 60 international runners and over 70 national and local runners participating in the program. The program was both for male and female.

For the international runner, the kilometer provided is 21KM which is called as a half marathon. Whereas, all the national and local runners were given the opportunity to take the full marathon which is 41KM.

The starting point and Endpoint was from the Udumwara Resort. There were around 80 Marshalls participating in the program. They were served with breakfast and lunch plus snacks.

We were provided with shirts which indicate that we are the Marshalls. And the runners were also given the shirt to recognize that they are the participants in the program.
We enjoyed the day as it was my first time in such programs and I learned so many new things. All the organizers were very supportive of us. They instructed us what to do and time and again, they were serving us with juice, water, and the snacks.

At last, the toppers were awarded prizes, the 1st position with Nu.2500, the 2nd position with 20,000 and the 3rd with Nu. 15000. They were also awarded certificates and the medal. We the Marshalls were also given the certificates for volunteering in the event.

My SUNDAY wasn’t a waste. Thank you, organizers. 

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