Monday, May 14, 2018


Simulation is another creative way of presentation where we can make our learner’s attentive. If we are teaching in math (concept counting), we can use simulation to show them practically with the help of power point. I found that it will be beneficial for the students with learning styles (audio, visual). If the children are visual learner, with the help of the pictures and images will give them the clear concept. For the audio, we can always insert our voice to teach that concept. Sir showed us an example of his own created simulation to the class, and then he made to do practically in the class to make one story (Bhutanese context) using simulation. I being a lower learner, I found many challenges where I don’t know what animation to insert and the how to make them automatically and about the delay and the duration. I got totally lost sometimes in the middle. Sometimes, my animation didn’t work, I started with the first slide which consumed my time but as side by side there was lot of learning. I was unaware of such facilities in power point. At last I created a simple story , just a tried one. When we are doing hands-on-experiences, we learn more. Our knowledge gets expanded.

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