Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Spreadsheet as constructive tool in teaching and learning

In two hour session, we learned the spreadsheet. We first measured our weight, inserted in the Excel, group them as a, b, c, d, e, f, and g. Then with the used of formula (=countif(highlight first cell to the last cell,”>41”)=countif(highlight first cell to the last cell,”>46”), we got the exact number of people fall in that particular range. After we got the valid information of the people (weight), we represented the data in the form of a graph as shown. Actually, we have learned about the spreadsheet in our first semester how to create result sheet and the report card but in three years, of course, the information seems blur where I cannot remember everything that was taught before. It’s the additional knowledge that I acquire in this class. I found that using a spreadsheet can make our work easier and comfortable. 

The above graph represents the weight of 4PCC. Through the graph representation we came to know that 4 PCC have more number of students falling the weight ranges from (51-56), followed by the weight range (41-46), (56-61), and (61-66) with 4 students each in a group range.

 There is no students that fall in the weight range of (71-76), and lastly, from range (76-81), we have 1 student.

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