Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Warrior exam (the very first time in my life)

Warrior exam on Early Childhood Care and Development on 15th of May, our class (4PCC-primary curriculum, section C) had warrior exam for the first time. Since it was our first time, everyone was nervous and excited at the same time. The night before, I stayed till late night and read chapter 5 to 8. The chapters were all research papers and I had tough time comprehending the content. Nevertheless, I read again and again. Finally I was confident enough to face the warrior exam.
Warrior exam, it is a kind of activity where the rest of the class students sit in a circle and in the middle, three sits are kept. One sit for the interrogator (the one who will pick the question), one sit is for time keeper (1 minute for thinking and 2 minutes for speaking) and last sit is for the warrior who will answer the question that the interrogator picked up from the container where the questions were kept. We also sat in a similar setting. For each role, there was names of each student kept in a small container. Our tutor started the game by picking up three people with respective roles. Before sitting down the warrior, the interrogator and the time keeper were supposed to bow to each other and then sit. The interrogator than picked up a question and read it aloud. Then he gave that question to warrior. No sooner did the warrior received her question, the time keeper rang the bell and the warrior was given a minute to think. After one minute, the tome keeper rang the bell indicating the warrior to now speak. After two minutes, the time keeper rang the bell indicating the warrior stop. After the warrior had finished answering, each person picked up another names and so there would be three different person. Before they left, they bow to each other one more time.
After 3 hours the warrior exam finally ended and we breadth our relieved. Our tutor was also happy with our performance and he appreciated our hard work. At the time  end of the day, as I went on reflecting, I realized that warrior exam was so effective. This was a new and an engaging way of revising. Due to this exam, I read the chapters so much and I now know many new things. Learning can happen in so many ways and this particular way was really appreciating one. At the end, I could feel the new knowledge getting inside of me. As I watched and listened to my friends answer, I also noted the different ways of answering the same question.

I liked this warrior exam concept. In future, I will use this tool with my students because it is very beneficial. 

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