Friday, May 11, 2018

Date: 2/5/2018 (Teachers day)

All over the world, teacher’s day is celebrated on their own significant day. In our country also we are celebrating teacher’s day on every 2nd May coinciding with birth anniversary of his late Druk Gyelpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck (father of modern Bhutan).
His majesty the third Druk Gyelpo introduced modern education in our country and contributed a lot to our country. That’s why he was famously known as the ‘Father of Modern Bhutan’.
It had been almost 16 years celebrating teacher’s day in my life and every year gave me different moments to cherish. When I was small, I remember singing ‘happy teacher’s day’ songs which made me realized that teachers are the important person in every individual life.  What I am today is all because of my teachers.


Our day started with national anthem and followed by the university song. Then welcome speech by the student representative. Our president gave us words of wisdom about how significant this day is important to every individual. Coming to program, it was joyful moments I must say. Every year we got to celebrated in a different way. Today, it was all live performance where by it gives platform to every individual to show their talents. I thoroughly enjoyed the day as all the entertainment were uniquely presented and I could hear people’s buzzing sound all over the crowd. The items were all our traditional songs which gives me a sense of satisfaction being born in this peaceful country.

Thank You

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