Friday, May 18, 2018

lesson planning

Lesson plan number: 01
Name: Kinley wangmo                 
Course: B.Ed primary
Class: V                                            
Subject: Science
Date: 16/4/2018                
Time: 55 minutes
Topic: Heating and cooling substances
Previous Knowledge: They know about the three states of matter.
Teaching skill in focus: Interaction Variation.
Teaching learning materials: chart paper, hot water, bottle, and balloon.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, each child will be able to;
1)   define heating and cooling substances in their own words after the teacher’s explanation.
2)    write why substances change on heating and cooling correctly after the teacher’s demonstration.
3)    work with the peers

Lesson Introduction (10 minutes)
(Exchange of greetings)
Gaining Attention:    Heart to Heart
                                 Ready to Start
[Teacher: Before really going to the topic, teacher will ask few questions. (What is by matter? what are the three states of matter? Tell some examples of solid?]
[Student expected answers: Matter is anything that has mass and occupy empty spaces. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Some examples of solid are table, chair, and tree]
[Teacher will reinforce them with cheers and then the teacher will connect to the topic that they are going to learn by asking following questions. Is ice cream solid, liquid or gas? What happens to an ice cream when it is kept in the sunlight? If we keep on heating water what do we see? What will happen to water when it is kept in a freezer? Name any everyday material which changes on heating. With the answers given by the students, teacher will link with the topic he or she is going to teach. The teacher will write on the board [heating and cooling substances]
Lesson development (15 minutes)
Gaining Attention:  Clapping hands
General Instructions: Teacher will instruct them like today we will be learning on heating and cooling substances. And by the end of the class, you will be able to know the effect of heating and cooling on substances.
Teacher will explain what is meant by heating and cooling substances. Then teacher will demonstrate how substances change on heating and cooling. Then teacher will provide students with an activity. After the activity, the teacher will make students share their understanding and teacher will close the lesson by again asking few questions.
Checking Understanding: Ask few students to tell what they are supposed to do in their own understanding
Information input: All the substances change on heating or on cooling. The change can be in Colour, size, shape and taste.
Heat can also bring about changes in liquids. A liquid changes into gas on heating and usually changes into solid on cooling.
Many changes keep occurring in our surrounding. The changes can be fast or slow, desirable or undesirable, and reversible or irreversible.
All these changes involve a change in energy. The energy is neither absorbed or release for the change to take place.
Solid cannot change into liquid state without heating. Solid in order to change into liquid absorbs energy in the form of heat. The temperature at which solid changes to liquid is its melting point.
Liquid cannot change to solid without cooling. Liquid releases energy to change to solid. The temperature at which a liquid changes to solid is its freezing point.
The change brought in the substance by heating and cooling can either be temporary (physical) or permanent (chemical change)
The melting of ice is a physical change as ice can be obtained back by cooling the water. But heating of sugar is a chemical change as the sugar cannot be obtained back on cooling it.
Example: when we get wet, after a short time we feel cold. This is because liquid evaporates by observing heat from the surrounding.
Expansion: the increase in the volume of the substance due to absorption of heat.
Contraction: the decrease in the volume of the substance due to release of heat. Then teacher will do the demonstration showing when gas is heated it expands and on cooling it contracts.
Teacher will do the experiment to make students more clear about the heating and cooling substances.
Materials required: balloon, beaker, hot water, test tube.
1)   Fix the balloon on the mouth of a test tube tightly
2)   Place the test tube into the beaker containing hot water.
3)   Keep it for some time.
4)   Observe it carefully.
5)   Now remove the test tube from the beaker and cool it.
6)   Observe it.

After the experiment the balloon will change the shape as shown below;

Activity: 15 minutes  
Gaining attention: [class class, yes yes]
1)   This is an individual work.
2)   You will get 5 minutes to complete it.
3)   From the experiment, you are going to complete these given table and answer the following questions.
Before heating
After heating
1)   colour
2)   form (solid, liquid, or gas)
Q1 what happens to the size of the balloon when kept in hot water?
Q2 why does the size change of the balloon change?
Q3 what happens to the size of the balloon when it cooled?
4)   If you finish before time, raise your hand silently.
5)   Teacher will give another interesting activity
6)   After you finish it, teacher will let you share your answers to the whole class. Clear with instructions?
Checking of understanding: Teacher will ask those who are not attentive while giving instructions. If they are not clear teacher will repeat the instructions
Monitoring and support: go to every child and see whether they are doing their work correctly or not. Teacher will also help them to do the activity.
Extended learning activity
Q1 what will happen when ice is heated?
Q2 what will happen when gas is heated?
Follow-up activity
Teacher will make student share their answers to the whole class. If their answers are wrong, teacher will do the correction.
Lesson closure: 7 minutes
Gaining attention: [eyes on me, eyes on you]
To sum the lesson, teacher will ask following questions:
Q1 explain how the substances change on heating?
Q2 explain how does the substance change on cooling?
Q3 define heating and cooling?
With their answers, teacher will also supplement on their answers. Teacher will also give WOW cheers and close the lesson.

Thank you

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