Wednesday, May 9, 2018

ICT as informative tool

ICT as an informative tool, we get information from various sources such: Books from the library, TV channel, Mobile phone, Internet (social media), Radio broadcasts, Newspaper

Learning task

Select one of the source media instruction to collection information


Give an emphasis why you have select a particular source media instruction for collection information

The Internet is one of the most used and advanced technologies that is used worldwide. The internet has undoubtedly become a huge part of our lives. Many people in today’s generation are relying on the internet to do a lot of different tasks. In fact, wherever you go these days, you can see people holding some sort of gadgets and using the internet to play games or search things that they want. But of course, the internet is not just about entertainment. It’s also useful in many other things as well. Today, many students are using the internet to do research and complete their assignments. Since the internet is full of information, most students use this as a source of education. In fact, there are now even online programs and courses available, which people can easily access to study and learn other things even while they’re at the comfort of their homes. Years ago, if you wanted to find something out, you would have to run at a public library and look through a pile of books, which is very tiring and time-consuming. But now, with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can already get any information you need. The Internet is also very important when it comes to communication. Before, when people wanted to speak with someone who lives in a distant place, they would have to reach a phone and make a phone call. If they don’t have any access to a phone, they would write a letter, which usually takes a few days to arrive. But now, there are emails and social media, wherein you can instantly send messages to your loved ones. You can even make a video call and see the person even if he or she is on the other side of the world! This advantage also benefits other industries as well, particularly the entrepreneurs and business owners. If before, business owners would have to travel overseas to speak to a client, now they can make negotiations even if they are in the comfort of their own office.

There are really so many things that internet can do for us. In fact, many people in today’s generation can’t imagine life now without having this technological advantage. This is also the very reason why technology experts are doing all the best they can to improve our technology even more.

Give its advantages and disadvantages of particular source media selected

Online Shopping

Now today’s the trend of online shopping is growing up very fast. Users have now the facility shop everything that they want without going outside to stores and supermarkets.

Benefits for Students Studies

You are a student and you miss the lecture. Don’t worry internet helps students to find notes, essay, lectures, guidelines and more than points related to your subject are available in your books.

Book Tickets online

In the race of technology and companies are giving best services to their users. And almost all the airlines are providing advantages to their customer to buy the tickets online on internet. So people are no need to go to the agency or airline office.

Learn Online from Videos

The Internet is the solution of many problems. If you face any problem with your mobile, laptop, cars, television etc. You can easily find the solution on the screen with the help of video providing website. Mostly used websites for videos upload and download are YouTube, Daily Motion, and etc.


Besides the merits internet also has loopholes. Some students will spend too much of time through the internet. Students are likely to neglect their studies. If the movie has too strong a hold even elderly people are likely to neglect some their important work. Students might lose concentrate on their studies because they spent too much time on the internet.

Another problem or disadvantage of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal of anonymity to a large number of people who may access the different websites, forums and chat rooms available. This has allowed perverted individuals to at times take advantage of innocent people and abuse their trust. We can always hear the news that cheaters used the internet to make crimes. The cheaters will make friends with single ladies and cheat them by using sweet words. Lonely single ladies very easy get in the trap of these cheaters. These cheaters normally will cheat these ladies to bank-in money to them. Some of the cheaters try to borrow money from these ladies.

There are a host of games that are available on the internet and this has made most children to shun all outdoor activity. In the absence of physical activity, children can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Apart from these factors, sitting continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously damage our eyes, and put a strain on our neck and shoulders. Children are in their developing years and these factors can create life-long problems for them. Children will become more violent because affected by internet games. There are too many internet games that contain violence content and it may affect negative influence on children.

Another disadvantage of the internet is harmful to little children. Children nowadays are explored to the internet and they are used to maintain internet as their daily life. This is one of the greatest threats internets poses to children. The Internet has provided an easy medium for children to gain access to pornography and this can cause them to either become sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive. This phenomenon has also caused another problem, and that is the increase in the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in children. According to reports, one out of every four teenagers gets infected with an STD every year. The adult content that is present on the internet promotes irresponsible sex and creates false notions in the minds of students.

To get fast access to information, which source media is best for the learner? Why?

Firstly, the internet can let a person communicate with people in virtually any parts of the world through the internet or e-mail, without having to leave his room. E-mail allowed peoples to communicate with a minimum of times. It is now possible to send a message to any parts of the world through a simple e-mail address and the message is delivered in a matter of seconds. Every company is using e-mail in business. The convenience of e-mail has allowed businesses to expand and communicates with their vendors and customers located all over the world in records times. Personal communication has also become easier thanks to e-mail. Chat rooms, video conferencing are some of the latest additions to this technology and these have allowed peoples to chat in real time. Besides, there are a lot of messengers’ services in offering. With the help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and explore other cultures. The internet also allows people within an organization to easily communicate and share information.

Second, information is probably the biggest advantages that internet offers. The Internet is a virtual treasure's trove of information. Any kinds of information on any topic under the sun are available on the internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service through the internet. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subjects known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the lists are simply endless. We can use these search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and a large number of articles and papers are available for perusal in a matter of a few seconds.

Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf the internet. In fact, the internet has become quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry. Downloading games or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have discovered. Even celebrities are using the internet effectively for promotional campaigns. Besides that, there are numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. The internet has also revolutionized the entertainments industry. People nowadays no need to go to a cinema hall to watch your favorite movie. Instead of watching movies at the cinema now have companies offering their services where you just can download or order your favorite movie and watch it with a fast internet connection. Besides that, you also can download other important software or your favorite music in a matter of few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allow you to share and download your favorite music and videos. The internet also allows people from different cultures and background to connect with each other. Internet gaming is a huge business and allows enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in games even when they are located far apart. Likewise, dating has also allowed people to find their prospective soul mates.

Set priority or rank according to the choice of source media. Give a reason why you rank according?

We know that internet plays a vital role in all kind of programs and moreover, it has a wide range of knowledge where we can extract any types of information. It is the easiest way to get information and it makes our work easier.
A mobile phone is also important as it is light and we can carry it everywhere we want. And it is also one of the easy ways to access the information.
Nowadays, we can get information from TV as we know that TV has lots of channels and on each channel, there are different types of information being shown.
The newspaper is also the source of information as all recent news and information will be disclosed in the newspaper and we can get the relevant information.
Books are also a source of informative tools because books can have a wide range of knowledge and it is also easily accessible in the library and we will get all relevant and the precise information.
Lastly, the radio broadcasts because in today’s world, people are in modernization period and they hardly listen to the radio. So it is now becoming invalid and only the outdated news will be heard from the radio. But in olden days’ radio was one of the vital ways to get information and people were updated from listening to the radio.

My reflection on information tool.

After going through above advantages and disadvantages information tools, it helped me to understand the clear concept of information tool. It has multiple of uses as it makes our work comfortable as it will cut our time wastage. We are accessible to all the information tools in our daily life but we were not really aware of what we were doing till date. After going through this information tool, it really made me think positive towards it as it has lots of advantages in our life.
For an instance, if we are to do the assignment, we used all above given tools to make our assignment clear and precise. Using all these tools made our work more valid and informative. However, every coin has two sides; it also has some disadvantages of using it. If I give an example of the internet when we search any information sometime, all unrelated information will pop up and it just confuses us sometime. And we usually get hang in social media while browsing the internet and unnecessarily wasting our time.
In general comment, I liked the teaching on information tool as sir presented. Moreover, the penal discussion was effective where it gives an opportunity for the students to open up their ideas and it broadens our understanding. It was some kind of reciprocal teaching as instead of sir teaching, our friends were made to share what they have understood on that particular topic. If we have some classes to share our ideas then the classroom teaching will not be monotonous and the learning will take place effectively in every corner of the students. 


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