Wednesday, May 16, 2018

video lesson (

Making video
The video was on social studies (class V). It was designed in a video lesson to teach students through the video without teacher in the class. To make the video, I first designed a power point on the solar system. Then I inserted all appropriate images from the internet to make the power point an effective one. I also seek help from my friends to create animations and transaction. It was difficult for me as an individual because I have limited knowledge on ICT. However, my friends helped me in all kind of works. I also inserted beautiful designs to capture my student’s attention so that they will give the full concentration on the concept. I nearly took a week to design only a power point because I need to search all relevant information from the text as well as from the internet to make my work reliable. I went to sir several times to show my work so that I can do necessary change on my work. Finally, my power point got approved by sir.
After my power point, I started to work on my video lesson on the solar system. Video was more challenging than the power point. I never had any idea on camtasia studio and it was my first time doing on camtasia. It really gave me tough time to make the video as we need to know many things to produce a simple video. It’s not only the video, on top of that, we need to do the voice narration which was again a challenging work for me. Paro is such a noisy place with an airplane, dogs barking, car moving and all these sounds really disturbed my narration where I have to cancelled my narration and wait for the silence. It was impatient for me do the narration again. I did almost 10 times voice narration because of all those distraction. Sometimes, I felt like vomiting to do the same dialogue again and again. However, with sir’s feedbacks and my friends, I could make a simple video lesson for my students.  After completing my video, I learned many things that I wasn’t aware before. This making video lesson has huge impact on me as a person where I could explore more on how to go about the camtasia. And many more. Finally I want to thank Thinley Phuntsho sir for giving this assignment and to Mrs Cheki Wangdi, Mrs Phuntsho and Thinley Choden for helping me with this video making.

Thank you

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