Thursday, May 3, 2018

Constructivist tools

Constructive tools can be the computer itself where it can be used for manipulating information; visualizing one’s understanding and building new knowledge. Examples could be powerpoint, google classroom, and blogs. It applies constructivist learning theory
In relation to constructivist, learners design or constructs materials using power points, word document, and spreadsheet. We can also design presentation on teaching lesson using creating animations and videos. Regarding word document, we can design lesson plan and activities. And we can also create Google classroom like we did so that learning will be interesting and meaningful. We can give questions in google classroom where every student will be access to information. Also, it will be easier for both teachers and students. We can use quizzes on the particular topic we are going to teach. By reading my friends answers, it’s almost similar to what I thought. We use constructivist tools in our daily lives to make our work easier. I find google classroom interesting because it made us active learners whereby we used all the facilities about the google classroom. It is the fastest way of communication tool as well because as soon as the questions are being posted in the google classroom, we can easily access it. 

Interestingly there is lots information about how to create questions (multiple choices, short answer, paragraph, quizzes and many more. I must say that it has a huge impact on teachers because it will make the learning environment active and engaging. One more important I found is that students will never get bored with teaching because the monotonous teaching has been rid of and they will fully be engrossed in their learning task. When students are given hands-on experiences learning tasks, it builds up their curiosity to learn. However, I saw one drawback that, if the internet connection is poor then the google classroom and all other constructivist tools will not be effective. With the low internet connection, the teaching and learning will not take place in a smooth way we as a teacher planned and what the students expect to get from their teachers. So, there are advantages as well as disadvantage of using constructivist tools.

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