Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Journey to Shari ECCD Centre (Paro)

Journey to Shari ECCD Centre (Paro)

In this final semester, we are taking the module called Foundation of Early Childhood Care and Development (EDN417) by Mrs. Karma Jurme. In this particular module, we are learning about the history and cultures of four different countries on how the ECCD programs are running. In course of three months going through this module, I came to learn what actually ECCD means. Before, we had a pre-notion that ECCD is just like babysitting where they just enroll their children as they don’t have anyone to look after their child. But when we were learning, it really talks different things than the babysitter. Firstly, ECCD means ECCD (early childhood care and development) basically talks about the holistic approach of the children focusing on children physical, emotional and cognitive or language development from birth to entry into primary school in the formal and non-formal setting.

Early childhood development is the key to a full and productive life a child to progress of a nation. Early childhood is the critical stage of development that forms the foundation of child’s future wellbeing and learning. Research has shown that half percent of person’s intelligence Potential is developed by the age of four and that early childhood intervention can have a lasting intellectual capacity, personality, and social behavior. The integrated programme that targets children in their very early years is, therefore, critical for their mental and psychological development. Failure to invest ECCD can result in developmental delay and disability as well as inhibit the optimal development and performance of children throughout their lives.
We learned that ECCD is the main factor of child development and the learning. With this importance, our tutor made us visit Shari ECCD to check how the programs are running. When we reached there, we could find the setting of ECCD, where there is sound environment (clean) and safe playground. There are different rooms for the children with different age. Nursery room, lower kindergarten, and the upper kindergarten. Children were kept in a safe place, materials were all given with their freedom of choice (interest were taken into consideration)
There are six facilitators and the proprietor is Madam Thinley Wangmo

Thank you

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