Thursday, May 24, 2018


Information and communications Technology (ICT), is an extended synonym, an umbrella term which contains Information and Technology (IT) as well as Communications Technology under its fold. In fact, it is a very broad term used to refer to the literally infinite areas of scientific studies and techniques used in the handling of telecommunications; media management and broadcast; intelligent systems; data handling, processing, storage and transmission; network based solutions; as well as audio visual monitoring processes.
More recently, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is also being used to define the merging of several different technologies, each having vastly different types of data sets and formats.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) competencies are increasingly important for most of our employers, regardless of role. If there was an agreed-upon standard for digital literacy, or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competencies expected of all workers, regardless of workplace role, my organization would value a credential based on that standard as a way of validating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills for non-ICT workers. In the 21st century, an ability to work with information and communication technologies is becoming as essential to education, life and workplace success as reading, writing and arithmetic.”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or digital literacy must be recognized as a basic form of education in modern society by our schools, and must be taught to all students from an early age.

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