Thursday, May 3, 2018

How to create ‘Blog’ & How to post information, power point,and movies on blog

                                          Sign in button
                                           Sign into Gmail account
                                            Click to continue blogger
                   Create new blog
                                            Title, address
              Create blog

How to post information to the blog
                                    click on the post button
                                  New post
                                 Open the reflection
                               Write the post title
                              Copy and paste

                              Preview and publish

How to post ready-made power point
1)   Go to Google apps
2)   Click on the Google drive
3)   Click on ‘my drive’
4)   Upload the files
5)   Double click
6)   Open
7)   Go to file
8)   Click on ‘publish to the web’
9)   Choose two button
10)          Click the embedded
11)          Copy the code
12)          New post

How to add Readily made movies on the blog
1)   Click on the new post
2)   post ‘video lesson’
3)   write the process how you have created the video lesson
4)   Click on ‘insert video’
5)   Copy the URL in the Youtube (write your video topic)
6)   Then select your video
7)   Click on the select button
8)   Then preview

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