Thursday, May 31, 2018

Communicative tools

Communicative tools are systems that allow easy communication between teachers and students or between student’s outsides the physical barrier classroom. It is including e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, chat, teleconference and electronic whiteboard.

Synchronous communicative tools such as chat or video conference enable real-time communication while using the tools of communicative asynchronous (eg e-mail and electronic whiteboard) is a system, in which exchange of messages between people are not live but somehow delayed. 

The communicative tool most appropriate for activities requiring more time to think before responding. Utilization of electronic mail is increasing day by day. E-mail is the most commonly used on the internet. It is easy to use as it is a primarily text-based system and simple communication tool for teachers and students they allows students to dominate class beyond the physical barrier.  

Beyond the given tools, COLLABORATIVE tools are currently the focus of much interest and emerging as the development of new tools that make online collaborative projects draw a realistic option for a distributed group work. The Internet can be used for many collaborative activities such as meetings, discussions are taking place, working in the document, information dissemination, and other tasks. Interactive electronic whiteboard is not just used tools for meeting and development, but recently became the most popular tool among teachers. Whiteboard is an electronic device that interfaces with the computer where the computer image is displayed on the board that can be manipulated interactively. 

This tool is increasingly popular with teachers when used in conjunction with a computer and the video projector that produces interactive learning community. Instead of having to crowd around one or two computers, interactive whiteboard not only displays the materials but also to respond to human interaction with computer commands and orders on a touchscreen. In addition, these technologies provide impulsive information sharing, constructing knowledge and stimulate personal growth.

Situating tool

By means of virtual reality (RS) extension systems, the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that is situated in a virtual environment.  The advantages of using situating tools are that you can guide the students learning and at the same time students also get the supportive services from the ICTs.  Situating tools is a system that lay the students in the environment where it involves a context and the occurrence of a situation. Examples of such systems include simulation, virtual reality and multi-user domain. Situating tools software tools such as CD-ROM. CD-ROM offers hypermedia application which gives better opportunities for teachers to enhance the learning environment. Hypermedia application covers more than one of the following media such as text, audio, graphic images (still images), animation and video clips.

Hypermedia applications are well integrated into the learning environment to enhance student autonomy and thinking. A multimedia presentation topic will help students to conceptualize the ideas of the real world by integrating the theories in the practical application of real-world situations.
It is to increase student’s ability to use the conceptual tools of the discipline in authentic practice. Multimedia able to put the amazing array of resources on student and lecturer resources on teaching and students one control. “Multimedia learning active learning to create a more dynamic, interactive, collaborative, and satisfying”.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Co-constructive tool

Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new information. Or support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding (collaboratively consolidate the ideas) one ways of co-constructive is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same document from their homes.
The learning theory emphasizes in the co-constructive tool are cognitive theory, constructivism and behavior theory.

We can integrate co-constructive tool in our lesson by giving students with the questions like we did in ICT class. Example, giving questions to each and made them write about how and what they feel on that particular topic or question. Every member of the group can write on that particular question and co-edit on their friends work. If we use Google docs in our teaching and learning, it will be very helpful as firstly it creates active interaction among the members, they will be able to generate new knowledge from the discussion, can edit their friends work on the spot and it will also help in co-construction of new knowledge from the existing knowledge. 

Thunder Dragon Marathon initiated by Blue Poppy (my voluntarily work)

On 28th May 2018, Thunder Dragon Marathon was conducted by Blue Poppy. I and some of my friends volunteered. The marathon was conducted at Udumwara Resort.

There were 60 international runners and over 70 national and local runners participating in the program. The program was both for male and female.

For the international runner, the kilometer provided is 21KM which is called as a half marathon. Whereas, all the national and local runners were given the opportunity to take the full marathon which is 41KM.

The starting point and Endpoint was from the Udumwara Resort. There were around 80 Marshalls participating in the program. They were served with breakfast and lunch plus snacks.

We were provided with shirts which indicate that we are the Marshalls. And the runners were also given the shirt to recognize that they are the participants in the program.
We enjoyed the day as it was my first time in such programs and I learned so many new things. All the organizers were very supportive of us. They instructed us what to do and time and again, they were serving us with juice, water, and the snacks.

At last, the toppers were awarded prizes, the 1st position with Nu.2500, the 2nd position with 20,000 and the 3rd with Nu. 15000. They were also awarded certificates and the medal. We the Marshalls were also given the certificates for volunteering in the event.

My SUNDAY wasn’t a waste. Thank you, organizers. 

Inauguration of ECCD in Rinpung

Inauguration of ECCD in Rinpung

Paro College of Education inaugurated the Centre for Early Childhood Studies at Rinpung Campus on Monday, March 26, 2018. The inauguration ceremony was presided over by venerable Tsugla Lopen. Other dignitaries included Hon’ble education secretary, DG and ECCD officials, UNICEF Education specialist and education officer, Dasho VC, Save the Children Education officer.

After the numerous research done, the Learning Centre in Rinpung finally came into existence. We know that early years of the child are very crucial for development and most of the studies and research has proven that the first 3 years of the child is very important for the critical development. 

As we found in our ECCD module, we learned that children are not an empty slate, rather they are blends of curiosity to learn and contribute to the world he or she lives. With this importance, they established the ECCD to help our young children.
We student teachers are very lucky to have ECCD near our training institute. 

As we the general trainees are taking module called Foundation of Early Childhood Care and Development. The Centre served a huge purpose when we are learning about the child’s learning and the development. It made us easier to go there and observe the child as they are in the Centre. Our seniors passed out from the institution just learning the theory and the lecture gave by the lecturers but we are lucky that we got a lot to explore.

             Thank you

Monday, May 28, 2018

His majesty certificate award

Starting from the last year 2017, the Paro College of Education started to award the best academic excellence with his HM’s certificates. I personally feel that it is a good encouragement for all the trainee teachers to work hard to strive the certificate.

On 17/5/2018, there was certificate award in our college on Thursday. His honorable, Dasho Dzongda and other staff, the president of Paro College of education, lecturers, and the student teachers of first-year attended the ceremony.
The certificates were categorized like, Dzongkha section, MIT section, General section and the Diploma from the first year to the final year.
They were awarded certificates and the Khadar from Dasho Dzongda. There was also a speech given by the chief guest on how important one should work hard to strive the academic excellence.

It was really a motivational program for me as an individual because it gives all the trainee teachers to work hard so that we can be somebody in future. I am sure it will benefit all the students.


               THANK YOU 

College marathon

Paro College of Education organized annual College Marathon on 26/5/2018 on Saturday. The theme was on maintaining FITNESS. All the student teachers were made to participate in the college marathon. 

There were categories of girl single, boy single, mixed groups, girls group, boys group and the fun run. The starting point was from Rinpung campus and the end point was at college parking.

College marathon is initiated every year as part of the college program. The winners were awarded prizes and the certificates. The program was led by the Mr. Puspalal Sharma, Mr. Ugyen Namdrel and Mrs. Ugyen Choden (all Sports teacher).

The winners were awarded prizes like the first prize with the gold medal, second with silver and third with bronze.


TRASH TO TREASURE (literary club)

The Literary Club organized the literary activity on the theme TRASH TO TREASURE. The club organized such programs to create awareness to the people that we can at least use the wasted materials. 

Most of the people have a pre-notion that waste materials cannot be used again as something but it’s not true. From the waste materials, we can design so many things which are useful in our daily lives. 

We can create so many important things that can be used in our daily lives. This is the different materials that have been made from the waste materials.

Thank you 


WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY was celebrated on 21st March 2018 at Paro College of Education.

We are announced in the virtual learning environment that we should celebrate the World Down syndrome day by wearing either blue or yellow. Among many disabilities, Down syndrome is one among them. We people are very good at criticizing others not thinking about their feelings and emotions.
We learned that every child deserve to be respected and every child is different in their own ways. So we must never be ignored who are disabilities. Rather we must encourage them by providing all the required needs to have fruitful learning and for the development.

We were given with GODAY BAG if we wore yellow or the blue color. As we took the module called Special education needs in our last semester, we know some things about disabilities. 

As announced, all my classmates came in uniform wearing blue Tego to celebrate the WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY. We also went to get the GOODAY BAG with the message that every child is unique in their own way. 


Coaching classes for RCSC

RCSC is a nightmare, every graduate will have to face right after graduating from the college. We are the first batch to be graduating from spring semester from the education department, so we are not sure when our RCSC examination will be conducted. Therefore, we will have to be prepared all the time.

Our college has taken an initiative to start coaching classes that have started from last week. So far, coaching on viva voce, aptitude and dzongkhag have been completed. I must say that these coaching classes are really beneficial and will surely help us in preparing ourselves for the RCSC examination.

To be honest, I do not know anything about RCSC examination but the pressure of it gets intense every day. I know I will have to pass the examination in order to get a government job. But I am glad to announce that now I have acquired enough knowledge to face the RCSC examination. I am really grateful to the college administration for coming up with such effective initiatives. The coaching classes have been so good so far. 


Friday, May 25, 2018

Co-constructive tool

Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new information. Or support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding (collaboratively consolidate the ideas) one ways of co-constructive is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same document from their homes.

The learning theory emphasize in co-constructive tool are cognitive theory, constructivism and behavior theory.

We can integrate co-constructive tool in our lesson by giving students with the questions like we did in ICT class. Example, giving questions to each and made them write on how and what they feel on that particular topic or question. Every member in the group can write on that particular question and co-edit on their friends work. If we use Google docs in our teaching and learning, it will be very helpful as firstly it creates active interaction among the members, they will be able to generate new knowledge from the discussion, can edit their friends work on spot and it will also help in co-construction of new knowledge from the existing knowledge. 

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Information and communications Technology (ICT), is an extended synonym, an umbrella term which contains Information and Technology (IT) as well as Communications Technology under its fold. In fact, it is a very broad term used to refer to the literally infinite areas of scientific studies and techniques used in the handling of telecommunications; media management and broadcast; intelligent systems; data handling, processing, storage and transmission; network based solutions; as well as audio visual monitoring processes.
More recently, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is also being used to define the merging of several different technologies, each having vastly different types of data sets and formats.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) competencies are increasingly important for most of our employers, regardless of role. If there was an agreed-upon standard for digital literacy, or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competencies expected of all workers, regardless of workplace role, my organization would value a credential based on that standard as a way of validating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills for non-ICT workers. In the 21st century, an ability to work with information and communication technologies is becoming as essential to education, life and workplace success as reading, writing and arithmetic.”
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or digital literacy must be recognized as a basic form of education in modern society by our schools, and must be taught to all students from an early age.

Group work (inserting animation, AUDIO) teaching alphabets to class PP

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="500" height="550" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Warrior exam (the very first time in my life)

Warrior exam on Early Childhood Care and Development on 15th of May, our class (4PCC-primary curriculum, section C) had warrior exam for the first time. Since it was our first time, everyone was nervous and excited at the same time. The night before, I stayed till late night and read chapter 5 to 8. The chapters were all research papers and I had tough time comprehending the content. Nevertheless, I read again and again. Finally I was confident enough to face the warrior exam.
Warrior exam, it is a kind of activity where the rest of the class students sit in a circle and in the middle, three sits are kept. One sit for the interrogator (the one who will pick the question), one sit is for time keeper (1 minute for thinking and 2 minutes for speaking) and last sit is for the warrior who will answer the question that the interrogator picked up from the container where the questions were kept. We also sat in a similar setting. For each role, there was names of each student kept in a small container. Our tutor started the game by picking up three people with respective roles. Before sitting down the warrior, the interrogator and the time keeper were supposed to bow to each other and then sit. The interrogator than picked up a question and read it aloud. Then he gave that question to warrior. No sooner did the warrior received her question, the time keeper rang the bell and the warrior was given a minute to think. After one minute, the tome keeper rang the bell indicating the warrior to now speak. After two minutes, the time keeper rang the bell indicating the warrior stop. After the warrior had finished answering, each person picked up another names and so there would be three different person. Before they left, they bow to each other one more time.
After 3 hours the warrior exam finally ended and we breadth our relieved. Our tutor was also happy with our performance and he appreciated our hard work. At the time  end of the day, as I went on reflecting, I realized that warrior exam was so effective. This was a new and an engaging way of revising. Due to this exam, I read the chapters so much and I now know many new things. Learning can happen in so many ways and this particular way was really appreciating one. At the end, I could feel the new knowledge getting inside of me. As I watched and listened to my friends answer, I also noted the different ways of answering the same question.

I liked this warrior exam concept. In future, I will use this tool with my students because it is very beneficial. 

Journey to Shari ECCD Centre (Paro)

Journey to Shari ECCD Centre (Paro)

In this final semester, we are taking the module called Foundation of Early Childhood Care and Development (EDN417) by Mrs. Karma Jurme. In this particular module, we are learning about the history and cultures of four different countries on how the ECCD programs are running. In course of three months going through this module, I came to learn what actually ECCD means. Before, we had a pre-notion that ECCD is just like babysitting where they just enroll their children as they don’t have anyone to look after their child. But when we were learning, it really talks different things than the babysitter. Firstly, ECCD means ECCD (early childhood care and development) basically talks about the holistic approach of the children focusing on children physical, emotional and cognitive or language development from birth to entry into primary school in the formal and non-formal setting.

Early childhood development is the key to a full and productive life a child to progress of a nation. Early childhood is the critical stage of development that forms the foundation of child’s future wellbeing and learning. Research has shown that half percent of person’s intelligence Potential is developed by the age of four and that early childhood intervention can have a lasting intellectual capacity, personality, and social behavior. The integrated programme that targets children in their very early years is, therefore, critical for their mental and psychological development. Failure to invest ECCD can result in developmental delay and disability as well as inhibit the optimal development and performance of children throughout their lives.
We learned that ECCD is the main factor of child development and the learning. With this importance, our tutor made us visit Shari ECCD to check how the programs are running. When we reached there, we could find the setting of ECCD, where there is sound environment (clean) and safe playground. There are different rooms for the children with different age. Nursery room, lower kindergarten, and the upper kindergarten. Children were kept in a safe place, materials were all given with their freedom of choice (interest were taken into consideration)
There are six facilitators and the proprietor is Madam Thinley Wangmo

Thank you

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Games and sports

Paro College of education is giving more importance to physical activities (games and sports). In each semester, the college would organize the inter-class games competition. There are lots of importance of games and sports but I am going to jot down few points which are very important to me. The following points are the importance of sports;
Many athletes do better academically
Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills
Physical health benefits of sports
Sports boost self-esteem
Reduce pressure and stress with sports.

“Sports develops a sense of friendliness among the children and develop their team spirit. It helps children to develop mental and physical toughness. Sports shape their body and make it strong and active”. When playing sports, children have the opportunity to show their skills, gain greater self-awareness, and enjoy an activity that they love the most. It provides consistent exercise. Team sports commit your child to regular exercise, which helps boost immunity and contributes to overall physical health.

Why sports are important to youth
“Allowing your children to participate in youth sports is a fantastic way for children to explore and develop lifelong skills. Youth sports not only play an important role in exercise but promotes mental and psychological advances as well. 

lesson plan sample using PhET Simulation

Name: Bhim Kr. Rai, Sonam Nima, Sonam Yuden, Kinley Wangmo, Sashi Gurung, Dechen Pelmo
Subject: Math
Class: IV
Chapter: 4
Topic: Area
Objectives: By end of the lesson, the child will able to;
1.      define area in their own words
2.      determine area of the given figure
3.      build area of the given questions

Resources required: computer (1 computer for two students), Internet connection with access to PhET simulation,
Lesson development:

Instructions: (20 minutes)
1.      Read the chapter and understand the content
2.      Use Google search engine and type in “PhET Simulations” in the search text box or use the link: . Wait for few minutes.
3.      Click on “All sims” – PhET simulations
4.      Select “Area buider”
5.      Click the “Play” button/Download button and wait for few seconds (time to download the application)
6.      Click on downloaded file on the left bottom corner
7.      Click on the “Run” button to run the application (need to wait for few seconds to load the application).
8.      Choose the level for building an area.
9.      Drag the square as per the given area.
10.  Display a sound if the area is correct.
11.  If area is incorrect, you cannot drag to square box.
12.  Smile face will appear all area are correct.
13.  Display the next level.

14.  Follow-up of the activity: (15 minutes)
Display your simulation on the computer screen and let everyone take turns to complete the levels within the given time. Teacher will provide worksheets to each group and will be provided 5 minutes to complete the task.

Assessment procedures:
Go through the worksheet 1.1 and let other group members assess their work.
Use the following checklists during the lesson.
Put (P) tick mark for Yes and (รป) cross for No
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6





Let students answer on few questions as follows:
1.      What is area?
2.      What are the differences between area and perimeter?
3.      What are the challenges while playing game on area building?
Teacher will supplement if necessary.