Saturday, June 2, 2018

Yoga Session at Gym (2/6/2018)

On  2/6/2018, Mr. Dominique Lonchat from France, a Yoga master and the author of ‘Art of Breathing’, conducted a Yoga Session for PCE trainees today.  He shared how much Yoga is important in one’s life to maintain mentally healthy. He gave speech like how Yoga really can help people.

We know that people do Yoga for many purposes. Some, they do as an exercises, some to focus their concentration, some like meditation, some as simple to maintain strong health (become flexible) and some they do to get rid away the stress.
In Yoga, there are different styles of doing it. Mr. Dominique made trainee teachers to do practically in Gymnasium. Many student teachers of the first year participated in the Yoga session. I couldn’t attend the program but by listening to some of the participants, I heard like it will be very beneficial if we can practice daily. As they said that, in Yoga, there is the movement of the body where our body are made to move freely. They shared me lot of feelings based on today’s program.
By listening to them, I born curiosity to do Yoga sometimes because it is really an amazing technique used by many professionals. So, I have a thought to try one day. Lastly, thanks to Mr. Dominique Lonchat for making us open on Yoga.

Thank you 

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