Friday, June 1, 2018

Constructing Equilateral triangle using Geogebra

Open GeoGebra
Draw a two points A&B using new point tool
Draw a line segment using A &B
From the point, A, draw a circle
Draw an intersection point
Right click, show object (removing circle)

Steps to use Graph Cal
Open graph Cal
Click on graph 1
Click on the 2D graph
Then click on equations
Then type the equation (y=2x+1)

Observation (keeping the x-axis same and different y-axis)
Point (family of the line) remain same (the intersection points)
The positive and negative line is opposite when we put the negative sign on the x-axis as shown

And when we keep y-axis same and x-axis different, we get like the line are parallel and the point of intersection is not same.

My reflection 
GeoGebra is a new term for me. I didn’t have the concept on this topic. When sir was teaching, I thought that it will be not much help for us. But as I went through in depth on this topic, I came to a realization that it can be used in our daily teaching and learning. If we integrate GeoGebra in classroom teaching, we will be able to give the clear idea of the topics.
Here are some important points I would like to share:
GeoGebra is a transformative tool in mathematics because it allows learners to visualize and manipulate. It is an open source application with a very active developer community. It is available to all learners using any type of computer.

Thank You

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