Saturday, June 2, 2018

Lesson plan using writing Strategies

Lesson Plan
Name: Kinley Wangmo, Sashi Gurung, and Phuntsho               Course: B.Ed Primary    Class: V   Class Strength: 35
Subject: Social Studies          Period:   1st Period          Date: 31/5/2018     Time: 50 minutes
Topic: Transportation in Bhutan                             
Teaching Learning Materials: Chart paper, markers, cello tape, difficult word meaning written in a chart, pictures of different transportation, worksheet.
Teaching strategy in Focus: Interaction variations
Writing strategies: GIST
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, each student will be able to:
Ø  explain the concept transportation in his or her own words after the teacher explanation in the class.
Ø  name at least three different types of transportation used in Bhutan after discussion in the class.
Ø  identify two importance of transportation in their daily lives after the teacher’s discussion in the class.

 Lesson Introduction (5 minutes): (T-WC, T-I)
Teacher: Good morning children.
Student: Good morning sir…
Teacher:  How are you all today?
Student: Fine sir.
Teacher: Very good. Are there any absentees in the class?
Student: No sir/madam
Teacher:  Great! So, when you come to school, did you walk or reached by bus?
Students: By bus
Teacher: Ok. Did you ever happen to travel by boat and airplanes?
Students: No sir or madam.
Teacher: Today, we are going to learn about different types of transportation that are used in our country.
Gaining attention: “Ready to Rock, Ready to Start” (The teacher writes the topic and the date on the side of the board)
Instruction: Teacher will use flip cards to introduce the topic. The flip card will have all the pictures of transportations used worldwide. The teacher will show each picture and let whole class name it. The teacher will model read-aloud with correct pronunciation. Then we will make them guess the topic of the lesson. If they are not able to attempt the correct guess, the teacher will prompt and introduce by writing on the board.
After that, we will provide KWL worksheet to each individual to fill up. The KWL worksheet as shown below:
What you know?
What you want to know?
What you learned?

 Teacher:  You have to fill up the worksheet, the first two columns (what you know and what you want to know) and for the last column (what you learned), will fill up after the activities.  To fill up the worksheet, we will provide you two minutes. After you finished, keep it on the table.
Expected answer: Yes sir/ madam.
Lesson outline
Teacher: Now, today we will are going to learn about transportation in Bhutan. Under this topic, you will be learning what is transportation?  What are the different transportation used in our country, and some importance of transportation? 
Expected answer: Yes sir/madam
Gaining attention: Locus Focus, Everybody Focus
Lesson development (25 minutes)
General instructions: The teacher will display the written definition of transportation.
Information input
Definition: Transportation means moving from one place to another with the use of one means.
Types of transportations used are;
1)      land transportation
2)      Air transportation
3)      Water transportation.

v  What is mean by Land transportation?
Land transportation means traveling from one place to another with the use of car, bus, taxi, horse which travels on land.

v  What is mean by Air transportation?
Air transportation means traveling from one place to another with the use of airplane, helicopter, which travels in the airspace.
v  What is mean by Water transportation?
Water transportation means traveling from one place to another with the use of boat, ship, which travels on the water.

In Bhutan, water transportation is not applicable as Bhutan has fast flowing rivers. The force of water is too high and flows in a narrow valley which makes the water transportation not possible.
But we have land and air transportation used in our country.
Teacher: Are you all clear with the explanation?
Expected answer: Yes sir/madam
Teacher: To make you all clear, you will read the passage provided below.
Activity: Using GIST strategy (T-WC, T-I, P-P)
§  We will provide you with the worksheet in pairs.
§  You will read the passage carefully.
§  You will get 10 minutes to complete the task
§  Underline the most important ideas from the passage.
§  Then you will write summary of your understanding in one paragraph.
§  If you have any problem, you raise your hand. We will help you.
§   If you finish before time, please raise your hand so that we can provide you with another interesting activity.
§  After you finish your activity, each pair will share your write up to the whole class.

Checking the understanding: Let one of the students to repeat the instruction. Maybe look for the volunteers. If they are not clear, we will repeat the instructions.
Monitoring: We will go to each pair and help them if they have the problems
Extended learning activity
We will provide you the word Jumbles
Car,                                  Helicopter                                                Chariot
Taxi,                Horse                                      Airplane
          Vane                                  Ship                                  Boat                Bus,   

You have to list the names under each means of transportation from the word Jumble as shown.
Land transportation
Water transportation
Air transportation
Example: Car

Follow up activity:
Each pair will share their writing with the whole class. We will also supplement their points.
Teacher: As an appreciation, we will give Rocket Cheers.

Lesson Closure (10 minutes) (T-WC, T-I)
Before winding up the lesson, the teacher will make them complete the column on what I learned that has been left incomplete earlier. After filling up the KWL worksheet, each student will display their work on the social studies corner and will let them do gallery walk for 5 minutes.
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1)      Define transportation?
Expected answer: Transportation means moving from one place to another with the use of one means.
2)      Name the three types of transportation?
       Expected answer: Types of transportations used are;
1)      land transportation
2)      Air transportation
3)      Water transportation.

3)      Explain why water transportation is not suitable for our country?
Expected Answer: Water transportation is not suitable in Bhutan as it has fast flowing river and the force of water is too high which flows in a narrow valley which makes the water transportation not possible.

4)      State two importance on the transportation in our daily life?
Expected answer:  It will help in time management and save times. It also helps to reach in different with a short period of time at any time.
5)       Which modes of transportation do you prefer? Why?
Expected Answer: I prefer:
1)      Land transportation because it is cheaper than air transportation.
2)       Air transportation because it is the fastest means and can reach in different places within short period of time.
The teacher will supplement on the necessary points shared by the students in the class. As a homework, the teacher will make them write a response journal on today’s topic.  In the response journal, you have to include your feeling and thinking about today’s topic transportation and we are going to have followed up in the next class.
So, that is for the today’s class and you all have done a wonderful job. For that, we are going to use “suja cheers” and end the session.

               Thank you all and see you in the next class!

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