Saturday, June 2, 2018

Creativity Show (Third year student teachers)

Every 3rd year student teacher must take a module called creative arts. This module is designed to introduce students to Creative Arts (Music, Art, and Drama) in an early education and care context. ... It will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills needed to facilitate creative workshops in an early year setting.

 At the end of the semester, the student teacher must present a show consisting varieties of items. In the last evening show, there were English dances, solo songs, rhymes, traditional songs, fun dance, and drama. The show was lively and informative indeed and it was worth watching.

This module will focus on developing the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, acquired in the introduction to Creative Arts module. In the Art component, there will be a major, independent project in 3D by each student, from design to execution.
This will culminate in a public exhibition of the work. In the Drama component, the students will be introduced to the skills, techniques, and principles needed for devising, rehearsing and producing a performance piece for a young audience. In the music, the component performs complex melodic and rhythmic patterns through the use of the singing voice and percussion instruments (tuned and untuned.)

It helps students to learn through hands-on experience. And help a different learner in learning.

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