Friday, June 1, 2018

Flip Movie Maker (an interesting apps)

Firstly I will give the steps how to go about it.

Go to file
Start button
Enable background sound
Add files
Edit music
Choose music
Then OK
Click on publish
Click on the arrow sign
Publish as video
Select WMV
Click OK
Then start

My Feeling

Today on 28/5/2018, sir introduced us with new software. The app called FLIP MOVIE MAKER was very new technology for me as an individual. I have never heard of it. When sir showed us the sample using flip movie maker. I was very curious to learn that app because it is very interesting and on top of that it will make our work creative. There is nothing tough about working with this app. It is simple indeed. Sir made us write all the steps required to install this app on our computer. At first, as I already mentioned I was curious to explore in depth of this app but when the app reached in my computer, all my curiosity dropped down. It doesn’t work as I imagined.

It gave me the problem in installing, the serial key. My frustration popped out. I lost my interest in learning this new app. Then I started working with my friends, those computers that worked with this app. Somehow, I learned some new skills like how to make a video using this app, how we can create the book and another thing is inserting the background music.

I think I can use this new skills in making my lengthy passage as the book so to make reader’s feel interesting. Similarly, I will use on my blog so that my viewers will feel interested and motivated by all the new skills and the information.

Thank You

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