Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Designing quiz using wondershare quiz

Date: 5/6/2018

Designing quiz using wonder share quiz
Steps for installation software
Wonder share quiz application
After installing, disable the internet
Log in with serial key   
Enter the license key
Licensed key:
Registration code: 06EAD41316F3A22935636BA258627
Wonder share will appear on desktop
How to make wonder share quiz

Click on create new quiz

If you want to change the template, choose/select player template
Choose template
Click on save and close
Click on quiz properties
Go to edit information
Write author name (give description)
Insert image
Preview your quiz
Click on quiz information
Change the title of the quiz (eg.quiz on general knowledge)
Go to quiz questions setting
First type answer like excellent (insert pictures like if the answer is correct. show bravo sign)
Click on apply all
Assign the points for the answers (10 or 5)

Making question

Click on Multiple choice question
Example: Which country World Cup 2018 will be held?
Type answers (options)
Click OK
Adding the second question
Double click on the first page
Add new questions
Type questions
For mathematics questions
Choose Equation
Click on Preview
Click on Start

To save the file
Go to publish
Save as WEB
Change the location (desktop)
Then publish

My feeling on wndershare
In today’s class, we learned on making the quiz using Wonder share apps. It was a new Apps that I learned today. I found it very effective as there are lots of advantages using this App. Last time, we learned how to create the quiz with the use of Camtasia but it wasn’t really effective for me as an individual because it takes time to make and publish it. In Camtasia, we need the internet connection to preview our quiz which I personally found not really effective. But coming to wonder share, I liked this App because of following reasons:
It is very simple and effective.
It makes the work easier as there are options given to make the quiz.
The facilities given in wonder share are all relevant as a teacher.
It will make teaching and the learning engaging.
The assessment or result will be display without an error.
It makes teacher’s work easier.
Now, I have installed this App on my desktop and it will be easy for me to make quiz whenever I want to make. As all the required steps were given by sir and it will be very helpful when we are placed in schools. In schools, there are lots of literary activities carrying out. Here, I can apply this little on making the quiz using wonder share to have an effective quiz competition.

Thank you, sir,

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