Monday, June 4, 2018

Lesson Plan using PhET simulation

Name: Kinley Wangmo, Bhim Kr. Rai, Sonam Nima, Sonam Yuden, Sashi Gurung, Dechen Pelmo
Subject: Social Studies
Class: V
Chapter: 2
Topic: Solar System
Objectives: By end of the lesson, the child will able to;
1.    define Solar Eclipse in their own words after the teacher’s explanation.
2.    draw the Solar Eclipse correctly after the class activity
3.    tell how Solar Eclipse is formed in their own words after the video.

Resources required: computer (1 computer for two students), Internet connection with access to PhET simulation, YouTube)
Lesson development:
The teacher will explain the Solar Eclipse through the power point given below in LINK

Activity Instructions:
1.    Read the chapter and understand the content
2.    Click on the LINK 1
3.    Wait for few seconds
4.    Watch the video for 2 minutes
5.    Then click on LINK 2
6.    You will get 5 minutes to complete the task
7.    If you have any problem, raise your hand

8.    Follow-up of the activity: (15 minutes)
The teacher will make LINK in VLE to upload their work.
And then will assess their work.

Let students answer few questions as follows:
1.    What is solar Eclipse?
2.    How is Solar Eclipse formed?
3.    What are the challenges while doing the activity?
The teacher will supplement if necessary.
Thank you.
See you in next Class

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