Monday, April 30, 2018

: which learning style is best for teaching primary children using ICT and why? (VAK style)

Among the given learning styles, I think Audio visual is the best for teaching primary children using ICT because, audio visual stimulation can encourage them to engage with the project they are working on. And the screen casting enables primary school children to combine drawings, text, and images on the screen, in order to create a video of their progress. Moreover, If we are teaching difficult concept, we can always use animation and sound to make children understand the concept clearly.
Visual aids encourage the body movement and it may strengthen the content. Visual aids will encourage learning and make it easier and motivation. The use of visual aids in teaching and learning has multifarious values. For instance, if we are teaching the vegetables, we can use pictures as children will get chance to know the vegetables and the name. It will make learning fun where the concept will be also clear.
Coming to audio, we can use various sounds. If we are teaching sounds of animals, then we can use the different sound of animals where it is much easier for the students to understand. So if we use audio visual using ICT in teaching and learning, firstly the classroom will not be monotonous, secondly, the classroom will be fun and lively where every student will learn something. So I think every learning style is important to promote us as a teacher because we know that children learn differently and have different interest. We can use various learning style to foster their understanding of the subject and to meet the needs of the child. At the end I would recommend the entire teacher to implement the various teaching style so that learning will take place in every individual.

Example: Teaching vegetables to class PP using visual aids

21st century skills

The term "21st-century skills" is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world. With the modern world teacher need to adapt qualities like, Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information, Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning to keep on track of what we are doing. If we have such qualities within us, our teaching and learning will take place in a fruitful manner. With the advancement of technology, students will have more funds of knowledge compare to teachers. So teachers need to be well informed of this change and update upon it.

Creativity activity for class PP on fruits

Sunday, April 29, 2018

What are Digital native and Digital Immigrants

A digital native is an individual who was born after the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital native doesn’t refer to a particular generation. Instead, it is a catch all category for children who have grown up using technology like the internet, computers and mobile devices. This exposure to technology in the early years is believed to give digital natives a greater familiarity with and understanding of technology than people who were born before it was widespread.
A digital immigrant is an individual who was born before the widespread adoption of digital technology. The term digital immigrant may also apply to individuals who were born after the spread of digital technology and who were not exposed to it at an early age. Digital immigrants are the opposite of digital natives, who have been interacting with technology from childhood. Digital immigrants are believed to be less quick to pick up new technologies than digital natives. For instance, a digital immigrant may prefer to print out a document to edit it by hand rather that doing onscreen editing.

By reading this note, I came to realized that we are not digital native but digital immigrants. If we are brought up in digital world then we could have greater ideas about ICT. Since I am not the digital native, I don’t have wide range of knowledge about the uses of technology. But in today’s world, people are more exposed to the modern world and their time are more on technology whereby it makes their work easier and fast. It can save the people’s time. We can see in today’s scenario that even small kids are being exposed to the digital world where they are able to familiarize of any technology they are using. They have greater knowledge than us. So we being a future teacher, we can always integrate ICT in classroom teaching so that children are aware of the uses of technology. They can understand the concept clear and the teaching and learning takes place in an effective manner. It’s vital to make our children exposed to digital world because we know the present world where knowing about technology becomes more important in individual’s life.  

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Why used technology based in our classroom&Benefits use technology in classroom

 ICT when integrated into the classrooms adds immense value to the quality of teaching, making it a holistic learning experience for the pupils.

 It makes education student-centered, visual, and time saving and motivates the young scholars to produce creative assignments.
When incorporated into the curriculum systematically, it helps the teachers in making the complicated concepts simple and easy to understand.
Students can be encouraged to write online and email their essays, reports, observations and descriptions. This way it would be easier for them to plan, draft, proofread and present their work with less errors and more neatness.
 Improves engagement
When technology is integrated into lessons, students are expected to be more interested in the subjects they are studying. Technology provides different opportunities to make learning more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching same things in new ways. So technology can encourage a more active participation in the learning process through a traditional lecture environment.
 Improves knowledge retention
Students who are engaged and interested in things they are studying, are expected to have better knowledge retention. As mentioned before, technology can help to encourage active participation in the classroom which also is a very important factor for increased knowledge retention. Different forms of technology can be used to experiment with and decide what works best for students in terms of retaining their knowledge.
Encourages collaboration
Students can practice collaboration skills by getting involved in different online activities. For instance, working on different projects by sharing documents on their virtual learning environments. Technology can encourage collaboration in the same classroom; same school, and even with other classroom around the world.
 Students can learn useful life skills through technology
By using technology in the classroom, both teachers and the students can develop skills essential for 21st century. Students can gain the skills they will need to be successful in the future. Modern learning is about collaborating with others, solving complex problem, critical thinking, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills, and improving motivation and productivity. Technology can help develop many practical skills, including creating presentations, learning to differentiate reliable from unreliable sources on the internet and writing emails.
 child centered learning
It is a child centered learning where by children take ownership to learn or explore new things using of ICT. Students learn themselves by exploring with the use of ICT in teaching and learning.

Reflection on three videos

If we integrate ICT in the classroom teaching, it provides a platform to every teachers and students to use the online resources to enhance the teaching and learning in the classroom.  We can also get to know about the worldwide news and knowledge and keep ourselves updated.  If we use ICT in the classroom teaching, students will be able to develop new skills that they required in this 21st century.
ICT will also allow for a higher quality lesson through collaboration with teachers in planning and preparing resources. Using ICT is also an effective method in classroom teaching compared to other teaching methods that we used because it is more of students centered and it removes the monotonous teaching. It adds more charm in teaching by providing all kinds of miracle and makes classroom lively. Moreover, it can be useful to teach difficult concepts of the subjects by creating ICT linked activities which will enhance their understanding on the subjects.